Technology so sophisticated, it’s simple

Finally, a platform that takes the confusion out of the technology. Build your own business application in just hours, without the need for developers, servers, or headaches.

Why choose Business Drives?

Business Drives has built a true zero code, multi-tenant cloud based platform. This enables businesses to build and buy new enterprise business applications, and use them quickly, with full flexibility to modify and adjust these applications. without needing to hire software developers or software development firms.

We host application built on our platform, so you wont need to worry about investing in infrastructure, servers, or networks, all what you need is a web browser or mobile device to start using the application.

You can focus on business innovation and efficiencies. Let Business Drives' Innovation provide the technology to enable your business innovations.

Zero code and what it means for you

Multi-tenant means all of our customer use the same copy of the platform, with strict security to allow each customer to only access their data and applications. Because we have to manage one copy of the platform code, we can focus on adding new innovations and capabilities, which then each customer using this copy can benefit from at the same subscription price they paid. additionally managing one copy of the code allows us and our application partners to offer you a state of the art application at a very affordable price.

Multi-tenant platform

Our Zero Code platform is a platform which allows you to build a sophisticated software application using basic visual screens. Screens which allows you to define your business process through visual logic maps and as you build these maps the platform allows you to define the following:

  1. The information structure.
  2. Business and logical rule to be enforced during a business process.
  3. The screens which the user of the application interacts with.
  4. Integrate existing graphical designs / frameworks into new applications.
  5. Design the interactions with other applications on the visual canvas.

There are standard business process for each industry, BUT there is always a unique practices for each company. A zero code platform allows you to buy a standard business application with the confidence that you are buying a best of class process AND you can modify it to satisfy the unique requirement of your business without breaking the bank on hiring software firms or software developers to make adjustments.